Blog Assignment 1

History of Advertising.

Read the PDF "A Brief History of Advertising" by Robin Landa (available online) and write a 300 word response paper about the reading. Reference at least one advertisement in the reading.

Write your response in a word or google document. When you are finished, copy and paste your response in the comments section below.

Your blog response must be time stamped before the due date and time in order to receive credit.

Assignment date: August 22nd.
Due Date: August 27, 4pm


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  2. Dustin Lester
    Design of Advertising

    It was helpful to read the way in which the ad agencies developed offer the years and see there thought process that lead them to the ads we see today. It was interesting how they used a lot of user feedback to influence changes in the way the ads were made. They eventually became more involved in delivering the core idea of the advertisement faster and clearer, to deal with the modern impatient public. I found Lou Dorfsman’s typologies ads to be very visually striking and they make me stop and look them over, but they lead me to read on past the bold attention getting headlines. Allan Beaver’s ads on the other hand make me want to see more of the story it created. For example in the ad “ get the Lead Out of Your Pants”, I am drawn to the visual of the heavy lead brick with type, but I want to no more about how the block is connected to my pants, and what the ad is actually trying to tell me. The Smokey bear campaign to me seems to only be about making a mascot, some one imaginary how will punish or pass judgment on some one if they don’t take care of there campsite. This is similar to a God figure that cannot physically harm you, but creates a fear of punishment in people. The cartoon style of the ad however makes the mascot seem friendly and inviting, which might be a sympathy type direction the ads used. The I <3 New York ads, are an example of what is happening today with simplifying an idea into as few letters as possible, like LOL or OMG, but in this case a place which brings with it feelings of admiration and love for the city. Over all the reading was a bit dry and hard to follow. I would have liked to see a visual timeline of how the ads have changed over the years.

  3. The first chapter, “A Brief History of Advertising” was extremely informative and thought provoking. For me, the biggest point made is that the only constant within design in advertising is that it is constantly changing. There are so many factors that must be taken into account when creating an advertisement. Its difficult to keep them all in mind, but only the best ads have considered all the factors that could persuade an audience to to make the choices the company wants them to make. Innovation within technology has a huge impact on the advertising world as does the ever changing opinions of a population. For example, advertisements used to be packed full with information but, upon realizing that the audience was not interested in reading so much, now ads have little to no copy. The goal is to grab the attention to the viewer quickly and deliver an idea immediately and efficiently. The field of design is very challenging and fascinating in that it encompasses so many different disciplines that one has to master. One has to understand why people think the way they do, what makes a great image, and how to communicate effectively. For me that is what makes advertising interesting. If one can make an extremely successful advertisement, these skills that then easily applied to other areas within one’s life. I also enjoyed learning about the development of advertising throughout history. I like the change of companies presenting exactly what they are selling to them trying to create a feel for the product. It is amazing that just an idea can make someone feel better about doing something or buying a certain product. Because of this I believe advertising companies have one of the biggest impact on society as a whole and how society views things.

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