Blog Assignment #6

Read Chapter 10 - Copy by Robin Landa

Write a 300 word response paper about the reading.

Write your response in a word or google document. When you are finished, copy and paste your response in the comments section below.

Your blog response must be time stamped before the due date and time in order to receive credit.

Due Date: November 14, 4:20pm


  1. Dustin Lester
    Reading #6

    To start off a small question of why the author assumed the writer was female?
    It was interesting how they said the copy and the visual don’t always have to match and that the disconnect can actually be used to support the message of the ad. After page 188 there is a blank page and am not sure if there was something in that space.
    I didn’t think the figure 10-9 ad about stupid luck was suggessfull and was a visually I would associate with a 10 cent Google ad in some website which I would look over and never actually read. It also seems like the ads that are working the best have the shortest copy. Something simple yet powerful, which I think is the hardest type of copy to nail down. They also brought up a good point about international viewers and text, and how the visual needs to convey the message in-inof itself. I also liked when they said the copy just needs to “sound fresh” which is hard when now-a-days most of copy has already been used and thought up. I also think the “oh yea its so true” is something I personally think to myself when I see ads some times, and is something we should focus on when we do our own ads. Im not sure if I agree with the write a lot and write often part of the reading because I am more of a visual thinker, and writing for me takes a very long time to write out all of what I am thinking and most of it does not come out the way I intended. But I agree that talking to other people and asking questions does help the writing prosses.

  2. The thing that stood out to me the most from this chapter was thinking about the creative process. I am definitely the kind of person who gets blocked trying to think of something amazing right up front. Though I understand that during the initial coming up with ideas should be broad in order to be able to stem off of certain ideas, actually doing that in practice is difficult. I also never thought about creating tag lines that sounded as if it was something you would say in conversation. Instead I assume it should be something profound. Now I view it as the idea is profound and the tag line just aids in communicating that idea. The tag line does not necessarily have to be the most memorable part of a campaign. Thinking of a hierarchy between the visual and the copy was a new idea as well. Because of learning about synergy used in advertising, I assumed that both the visual and the copy had completely been an equal component in the campaign. By viewing them as individuals that could send a strong message is something I think I will try to incorporate. Rather than them depending on one another, they will instead just make each other stronger. My favorite ads from this chapter were the “Upgrade Your Language,” for a few reasons. First, it takes every day items that are very quickly recognizable and slightly changes them to make them interesting. Another reason is it shows a certain power that advertising can have. While they are entertaining, advertisements have the ability to do more that promote a product in a fun way. They are able to teach, and express new ideas. They are also able to change styles and the way society thinks as a whole.

  3. Alyssa Ficks


    My response to the the chapter 10 “Copy” was it taught me well on how to come up with a proper “claim”. Though it says which way to go first “the line or visual” I find the visual is a better way to start. However, I did find the explanation on how to integrate the visual with the copy such as:
    “The words determine the visual form, the words fight the visual form, creating contrast or irony, the words are straightforward and the visual is unusual, the visual is straightforward and the words are unusual.”
    The one ad I enjoyed was “Bear in Music Store” by Sukle’s campaign for Downtown Denver, it seemed to follow the idea with straightforward words but an unusual visual. It was quite entertaining with the simple claim of “Take a break from the mountains.” It was witty and made a quick laugh from the idea.
    Another intriguing part about the chapter was the idea to ask questions such does the audience prefer pictures over reading, or are the words intriguing, is the visual compelling enough to attract attention, or could the ad be used internationally. It also instilled the ideas of using words that don’t sound like a pitch line for sales. Just create a simple claim that could be contained in a conversation with a friend. Though most find using two word tag lines are affective longer ones can attract too. Though for a billboard it would be best for something quick and simple.
    Not relying on the body copy to attract the audience was another interesting aspect to think about. Such as most times its better to rely on the tag line to attract, but at times such as consumer research or phone number in a public service ad will only need a body copy.
    In total it taught me well on the whole aspect of tag lines and sayings.
