Read the PDF "Ad Categories" by Robin Landa. Choose one advertisement from each strategy (or one from current advertisers that you feel is relevant) and explain why it is successful or unsuccessful.
- demonstrations
- endorsements & testimonials
- declarations
- slice of life
- meta-advertising
- popular culture
- fantasy
- misdirection
- image/lifestyle
- adverture/escape
- benefits/differentiation
- recognition
Write your response in a word or google document. When you are finished,
copy and paste your response in the comments section below.
Your blog response must be time stamped before the due date and time in order to receive credit.
Due Date: October 29, 4pm
1. Demonstrations
ReplyDeleteFigure 5.1 “Stamina” – This ad is definitely not working for me. The idea that a guy singing equals long battery life doesn’t make any since in my mind. I first thought it was a music playing product and the “oooooooh somthines” singing was to show how good the sound was.
2. endorsements & testimonials
Figure 5.4 – Out of the 2 very small ads presented this one was larger and more legible. Both in my mind do not work for me because I do not recognize either of the “celebrities” and one is in another language entirely.
3. Declarations
Figure 5.5.a – This ad works for me because it states that a location that is clearly hard to get to be reserved for this car. Making the car seem rugged and can tackle harsh terrain.
4. slice of life
Figure 5.10a – This ad works in that it evokes the feelings of being in the outdoors and with an animal you love. May not work for some viewers who prefer city life. But that depends on the demographic the agency was catering to.
5. meta-advertising
Figure ??? – They did not give an example for this type of ad. But an expel that I can think of is this political ads that us parts of other ads against one another.
6. popular culture
Figure ????? – Again there was no example givin. But an ad that comes to mind is the old Verizon ads that talk about twitter and facebook updates and how they are better on there networks.
7. Fantasy
Figure 5.11 – This ad works well because it draws aspects of science fiction into it. It also uses reflection to ad another surprising element to the “story” it creates.
8. Misdirection
Figure 5.12- this ad works well because of the shock value it has from the oddity of a person changing a dipper with feet. The viewer is perplexed as to what is going on until the ad is finally revived in the end.
9. image/lifestyle
Figure 5.13 – this ad doesn’t work for me personally but may be successful to a different demographic. I think the downside to using a lifestyle type ad is it alienates the rest of the viewers. As I am not interested in petite women doing odd “fashion” artsy fartys poses, I am not interested in the ad and what it “means” where as some people who are into that kind of style my find the image “fascinating” and want to look closer.
10. adverture/escape
Figure ??? – Again no example is given, ad ad that I can think of that uses this Is Nike in their shoe ads that feature a person doing a dangerous rock clime or a jump from a cliff.
11. benefits/differentiation
Figure 5.17 – The belt analogies works great because the viewer invitations the belt getting tighter and tighter and cutting off the names that the belt holes represent.
12. Recognition
Figure 5-22 This ad definitely does not work for me, a reconition ad need a thing that is globally/locally known. I have no idea what this strange cookie thing is so therefour I do not recognize the branding. An ad that does this currently is Geico and the gecko
ReplyDeleteThe Hewitt advertisements
It effective in that it does get the concept across in that people have many contradicting thoughts that they are constantly thinking. In this way it does show the complexity of an average human being. However, I may consider it to be unsuccessful in that in the concept is lost at first glance and the individual thoughts must be read to comprehend the idea. I also do not necessarily think they were able to demonstrate the complexity of individuals. Keven lynch wrote “instead of talking about it how complicated people and people issues can be these ads demonstrate it.” I don’t think that is true because the ad is literally telling you different thoughts rather than seeing the actions of the complex issues.
Endorsements and Testimonials
“Ik ben Ben”
I feel that this advertisement is successful because it uses an average person that someone can relate to. “Ik ben” means “I am” and Ben is both a common name and the name of the phone company. Because of the repetition of ben, it become a memorable saying. I also believe that the choice of using a non celebrity to endorse was the best choice when promoting something that customers want to be practical. I feel that celebrity endorsements are most effective when used on such products as clothing and make-up
“Friends don’t let friends drive drunk”
This declarative PSA is effective because it now puts pressure on the people who are with the intoxicated friends. It gives the other side responsibility and because of that they will be more likely to discourage there friends and peers from drinking and driving. Peer pressure is powerful and can be useful is getting fewer people to drink and drive.
Slice of life
I believe these ads were probably successful for their target audience. However, for me I tend to ignore ads that include beautiful landscapes that seem to far away to get to. Being a student in a city, though I do enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, it is currently an unattainable goal to get to that destination therefore I have no reason to go to that store. The only reason I would consider this to be unsuccessful is because it is not a slice from my personal life. For me, and ad showing a college student pulling an all nighter on the computer would be a more successful campaign.
I believe meta-advertising can be extremely successful because they come out immediately being truthful by not trying to disguise the fact that they are an ad. Also by doing this, the ad can speak directly to the audience and it opens up opportunities to be witty.
Popular culture
This ad was extremely successful for Apple Computer on many levels. For it’s time it was extremely revolutionary because of the way it was shot almost like a movie. Also it includes this popular culture reference to the book “1984” by George Orwell. When I first saw this ad, I did not get the reference, but anyone who has read the novel would get it immediately.
“Fight the monster”
I feel that this ad could have been more successful if the “monster” was a bit more viewable. I also don’t find it to be particularly effective because I have no idea what it is
trying to advertise, although with the dog like creature it is including this fantasy element.
This commercial is extremely successful with using misdirection. Because it only shows the feet changing a diaper you think there is going to be a serious condition on why he can’t use his hand to change the diaper. The it goes up to show the father being obsessed with sports and there is no reason for him to not be attending his baby properly.
Successful in that it portrays a desirable lifestyle that is specific to youth. It has multiple scenes and slices of life that one could find desirable to incorporate in their lifestyle.
“Trail Sign”
This is effective in using adventure and escape because of the imagery shown. The use of the different trail signs invites the viewer to choose the direction that he or she wants to go. It make adventure enticing.
This ad is successful because it differentiates the camera by saying that it captures details you didn’t even intend to capture. It also invites you to search harder trying to find the evidence captured within the image.
“Smokey Bear”
Smokey Bear is successful because he has become iconic over the years. If all you saw was Smokey Bear’s face and you know that that ad is reminding you about preventing forest fires.
1. Demonstration
ReplyDeleteIn the Sony ad (5-1) it is hard to understand that his batteries died. I feel that the ad is unsuccessful because I had to read it several times and I only understood it after I read the caption explaining what was going on. I can understand how it would be successful if the child in the background were more apparent; maybe it is just the design of this particular ad that looses the meaning.
2. Endorsements & Testimonials
This section explains the downfall of celebrity endorsements, that in using a celebrity you automatically separate the average audience and the product by using someone who is not an everyday person. In ad 5-3 they attempt to use an individual who has survived cancer to explain their ad, however in the context of this PDF it is too small to understand the meaning. It would appear the type of this would be too small to understand quickly and effectively, thereby missing the unique quality of an ads communication ability.
3. Declaration
This system of advertising communication is effective in that it gets the point across clearly and purposefully in the least amount of time. The “Reserved” advertisements (5-5a, 5-5b) are effective because without the context of a car I, the viewer, could already understand that the automobile was an off road vehicle.
4. Slice of Life
Advertising like this is sometimes effective if you can make the message extremely clear. Sometimes it is too pacific for everyone to relate to. However, advertisements like “Group Therapy” (5-10a) provide that if you enjoy the outdoors you would enjoy this product. Using slice of life provides you with enough pacific information to reach the consumer that is most likely to participate in what you are selling.
5. Meta-Advertising
No examples were provide but I think of subliminal advertising and large areas like Time Square in New York that provide the sense that you are inside of the advertisement. I can’t recall any successful attempts of this method.
6. Popular Culture
I feel like being able to relate with your consumer is key to selling a product. For instance if you were a phone company you wouldn’t use a land-line in your advertisement to display that you are the fastest company, you would use something more modern like a cell phone. The “Wassup?” Budweiser TV commercial provides enough information to show that Budweiser is up to the times and so is its beer.
(Part 1/2)
7. Fantasy
ReplyDeleteApples “1984” advertisement may have been the most successful ad of modern times because it played on future fantasies that people love to ponder. Humans love stories, it is human nature to want to engage in such methods of human relation, and therefore this type is successful because it operates of primitive functions of the human being.
8. Misdirection
Advertisement 5-12 “Feet” uses the element of surprise to help provide the viewer with the subject objective. Using the element of surprise is helpful because it allows the viewer to become more curious about the subject matter. Misdirection lures the viewer in and keeps them around to sell them the product.
9. Image/Lifestyle
This category allows the product maker and consumer to relate via directing themselves towards the exact target audience the maker wants to reach. In the “Kiss” ad (5-14) we can infer that the product is marketed towards a younger audience. Providing aesthetics that appeal to your target audience lets you sell your object better.
10. Adventure/Escape
Figure 9-19 lets us understand that the Swiss Army Knife is the key to adventure. Human beings are wanderers and nomads by nature. This category pulls on the primitive heartstrings to go out into the world and experience it. These types of ads sell the product that providing imagery that makes the viewer need the adventure depicted.
11. Benefits/Differentiation
The “Tourist” (5-18a) advertisement engages the viewer in the ad by having them search it for information. When the viewer spends time with the ad gathering information it helps the product sell by relating it to these amazing features found no where else. This category just reinforces the biggest, best, and better mentality that the advertiser hopes to instill in the viewers mind.
12. Recognition
McDonalds golden arches were given by the article as an example of successful advertisement, and they work. When I think of McDonalds I think of their “I’m Loving It” ads. The repetition of an ad ingrains it in the viewers’ minds and when we engage with it in the real world we think of the ad. Recognition provides a circular thought that captures that particular audience in a loop of consuming and when large enough may become the most successful category of advertising.
(Part 2/2)