Monday, September 10, 2012

The Story Behind the Ad

We've talked a lot about what advertising is, how it can be presented (types of advertising) and common themes used to communicate positioning.

Today, I'd like to discuss the process before the process of creating ads. This is the behind-the-scenes stuff that creatives sometimes like to skip.

This is the stuff that makes the ads work and without it, you're campaign may very likely fail.
  1. Determine your target market
    1. The more specific your target, the easier it is to reach this target. Things to consider: gender, age, ethnicity, professions, demographics, psychographics (the study of personality, values, attitdues, interests, and lifestyles), communities, etc.
    2. Create a persona example
  2. Market Research: Primary research (i.e., qualitative research) is typically more effective for creative. You can supplement secondary research (i.e., quantitative research like statistical information or online research).
    1. Interviews
      1. Including direct quotes from your target audience is extremely helpful. Sometimes your positioning statement can come directly from your test group. 
    2. Focus Groups
    3. Market Immersion, etc.
  3. Identify insights from research
    1. For example, the profound insight that led directly to "got milk"'s strategic plan was "It is always milk and _____. It's never just milk... It's really hard to go 2 weeks without milk"
  4. List strategies (Strategic Planning)
    1. For example, a strategic plan for the above insight would be. Present milk with cookies, milk with cereal, milk with .... Show disappointment when you don't have milk with these foods.
  5. Focus brand goals / objectives
    1. Refine strategic plan. You can assume that you will compose numerous insights & strategies before determining which strategy best suits your brand or service best.
    2. Set tone (examples include humor, nostalgia, fear, etc.)
    3. What is the desired outcome of your ad?
    4. Determine what your audience will think, feel or do
  6. Craft a Positioning Statement
    1. Be clear and concise. This should be one sentence that identifies the brand's marketing position. This should be narrowed down in your goals and objectives.
  7. Creative Brainstorming
    1. Verbal / visual synergy (art director + copywriter)
  8. Determine types of advertising for campaign (examples include print, OOH (out of home), broadcast, guerrilla advertising)

Excellent Online Template for Writing a Creative Brief:

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